News Express
Be a Voice for Young Physicians: Apply Now for the AANEM Young Leadership Council
July 07, 2023
Applications are now open for the AANEM Young Leadership Council! This group offers an excellent opportunity for medical students, residents, and fellows to get involved in a professional association; gain valuable leadership experience; connect with leaders in NM, MSK, US, and EDX medicine; and make a meaningful impact.
AANEM Attends AMA House of Delegates Meeting
July 06, 2023
AANEM Attended the AMA House of Delegates Meeting in Chicago, Illinois for it's annual meeting in mid-June. The meeting covered a wide range of important, timely topics currently affecting health care in the U.S.
Trainee Talk: Young Leadership Council 2023 Emerging Leaders Forum
June 26, 2023
Our inaugural Young Leadership Council was established at the 2022 AANEM Annual Meeting and is made up of 12 residents and fellows from programs across the country. Our purpose is to represent the trainee voice within the AANEM and spearhead initiatives to bolster educational, mentorship, networking, and leadership opportunities. Our council convened at AANEM spring meeting May 6, 2023, in Chicago to work towards these goals and to participate in AANEM-sponsored career development and leadership training.
Science News: Treatment for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Using Onasemnogene Abeparvovec
June 26, 2023
The article summarizes the development, safety, and efficacy of intravenously administered drugs using the Adeno-associated virus vector for SMA type 1 and intrathecal administration for SMA type 2.
Science News: Diagnostic Performance of Preoperative Ultrasound for Traumatic Brachial Plexus Root Injury: A Comparison Study With an Electrophysiology Study
June 09, 2023
This retrospective study aimed to investigate the diagnostic performance of preoperative ultrasound (US) compared with electrophysiology study (EPS) in the assessment of traumatic brachial plexus (BP) root injury. Patients with suspected traumatic BP root injury who underwent preoperative US and EPS examination were included in the analysis. Each BP root was assessed via US and EPS as either completely or incompletely injured.
Submit an Abstract for the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America’s 2023 Scientific Session
June 02, 2023
The abstract submission window for the 2023 Scientific Session of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc. (MGFA), is officially open. This year’s deadline is June 18, 2023.
Science News: Physical Activity in People With Motor Neuron Disease: Validity of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly as a Measuring Tool
June 02, 2023
This prospective, observational study investigated the physical activity scale for the elderly (PASE) as a tool to measure physical activity in patients with motor neuron disease (MND). The PASE is a brief questionnaire that assesses the type, frequency, duration, and intensity of the physical activities chosen by the patient over the previous week to assign a score ranging from 0-793, with higher scores indicating greater physical activity.
Science News: MRI Clustering Reveals Three ALS Subtypes With Unique Neurodegeneration Patterns
May 14, 2023
The purpose of this study was to identify subtypes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by comparing patterns of neurodegeneration using brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and explore their phenotypes.
AANEM Introduces PM&R Initiative With Muscle & Nerve
May 11, 2023
Muscle & Nerve, the official journal of AANEM, has announced an initiative to increase the number of articles written by and appealing to PM&R physicians.
Coding and Billing With the New Neuromuscular Ultrasound CPT Code
April 26, 2023
This article takes a deep dive into the new NMUS code, 76883, discussing when it is appropriate to bill and when it is more appropriate to use the previously existing extremity US codes, the clinical documentation required, and specific clinical scenarios.
2023 ABEM Certification Examination Results
April 24, 2023
Congratulations to the physicians who successfully passed the 2023 American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine (ABEM) Certification Examination! Read more...
Science News: Detecting Motor Unit Abnormalities in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using High-Density Surface EMG
April 16, 2023
In this study, the authors evaluated motor unit (MU) abnormalities in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using quantitative non-invasive high density-surface EMG.
Science News: Natural Course of Muscular Strength, Physical Performance, and Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19
April 02, 2023
The study's authors investigated the long-term effects of COVID-19 in 76 adult patients (aged >18 years) including the natural course of muscular strength, physical performance, and musculoskeletal symptoms in hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
Remembering Dr. Laura D. Nist
April 02, 2023
Remembering Dr. Laura D. Nist, a much loved and respected neuromuscular specialist at Loma Linda University and long-standing AANEM member.
Mathula Thangarajh, MD, PhD Receives 2023 Surinderjit Singh Young Lectureship Award
March 23, 2023
AANEM is excited to announce Mathula Thangarajh, MD, PhD, as the 2023 Surinderjit Singh Young Lectureship Award recipient.
Science News: Anti-LGI4 Antibody Is a Novel Juxtaparanodal Autoantibody for Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
March 20, 2023
In this single-centered study, 113 anti-NF155 and anti-CNTN1 antibody–negative chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) patients were enrolled and the reactivity of sera from these patients against mouse (dorsal root ganglion) DRG and sciatic nerves was surveyed. The objective of this was to identify novel nodal autoantibodies in CIDP.
Patient Safety: Percutaneous Sharp Injuries: Post-Exposure Procedures
March 19, 2023
From the AANEM Quality and Patient Safety Committee: Many healthcare workers, including some of 64% of electrodiagnostic (EDX) physicians who may have experienced a needlestick injury, are unfamiliar with proper post-exposure procedures following percutaneous sharp injury, leading to a greater risk of blood-borne pathogen seroconversion. Read more to learn about the proper post-exposure process.
Science News: Anti-titin Antibody Is Associated With More Frequent Hospitalization to Manage Thymoma-Associated Myasthenia Gravis
March 02, 2023
Anti-titin antibodies are anti-striational antibodies associated with thymoma-associated myasthenia gravis (MG). Anti-titin antibodies have been previously linked to severity of MG, but its relation to clinical worsening is not clear. Thus, the authors in this study aimed to evaluate whether the patients with anti-titin antibody are more frequently hospitalized to manage thymoma-associated MG than those patients without anti-titin antibody.
Science News: Virtual Charcot-Marie-Tooth Examination Score: A Validated Virtual Evaluation for People with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease.
February 19, 2023
The Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) Examination Score Version 2 (CMTESv2) is used in clinical practice to measure impairment in patients with CMT. However, the CMTES requires an in-person visit, which may not be possible for all CMT patients. This study evaluated a virtual form of CMTES (vCMTES) as a remote clinical outcome assessment tool to measure impairment in CMT patients.
AANEM Endorsement of the 2023 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway for Cardiac Amyloidosis
February 05, 2023
AANEM has recently endorsed the 2023 American College of Cardiology (ACC) Expert Consensus Decision Pathway for Cardiac Amyloidosis which became available online Monday, January 23, 2023 with the print copy published in the JACC print issue on March 21.