Plenary Sessions

One of the main highlights of the AANEM Annual Meeting is the plenary sessions, where renowned speakers present their expertise on topics that are crucial to the assessment and treatment of patients.

Plenary Topic: The Confluence of Two Pipelines

The 2024 plenary topic is about the pipeline of discovery and innovation that has been providing truly groundbreaking treatments for NMDs, and the delivery and workforce pipeline that is under pressure to realize the promise of these treatments for all NM patients who need them.

Plenary Speakers


The Ethics and Economics of High-Cost Medications: Present and Future

Amy Y. Tsou, MD, MSc
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor of Neurology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Program Director, Division of Clinical Research, NINDS

    NM Interdisciplinary Care: Delivering the Promise of 21st Century Medicine

    Olney Lecture

    Ileana Howard, MD
    • University of Washington & VA Puget Sound Healthcare System

    Educating the Next Generation of NM and EDX Practitioners: Challenges and Opportunities

    Lambert Lecture

    Lawrence R. Robinson, MD
    • University of Toronto

    AI and the Future of EDX and NM Medicine

    Reiner Lecture
    John A. Morren, MD
    • Cleveland Clinic Foundation

    Thinking Outside the Box: Neuromuscular Networks and Navigation

    John W. Norbury, MD
    • Division Chief and Residency Program Director at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

      Improving Health Outcomes in NMDs With a Low Budget

      Surinderjit Singh Young Lecture
      Marcos V. Oliveira Marques, MD
      • University of São Paulo, Brazil and Hospital Sírio-Libanês, Brazil

      The meeting will have scientific sessions showcasing new ideas in neuromuscular disease pathophysiology and therapeutic developments. We are also going to talk about solutions in workforce education and development, artificial intelligence, interdisciplinary care, and medical ethics and economics.

      Dianna quan, md 2024 AANEM President