What is Post-polio Syndrome?

Post-polio syndrome is a disorder that affects people who have had polio. The muscles which were originally affected by polio become weakened and can atrophy. Joint pain, skeletal problems, and fatigue are possible. The problems caused by post-polio syndrome depend on the severity of the original polio attack. If the original attack was not severe, their post-polio syndrome is usually not bad.

Who gets Post-polio Syndrome?

Only people who have had polio can get post-polio syndrome. It usually occurs between 10 and 40 years after the original polio attack.

How is Post-polio Syndrome diagnosed?

After taking the patient's history, a physician may perform an EMG and nerve conduction studies, a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI), or a blood test.

How is Post-polio Syndrome treated?

Treatment of post-polio syndrome depends on the severity of the symptoms. A walker or wheelchair may be needed to help rest your muscles. Physical therapy may be used to help strengthen muscles. Medication can help with the pain.

More Information

Post-Polio Health International Network
Mayo Clinic
National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability


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