Pinched Nerve
What is Pinched Nerve?
Many people believe that a pinched nerve only happens in the back, but it can also happen in other nerves, too. A pinched nerve occurs when the tissue surrounding a nerve puts pressure on the nerve, which can change how the nerve functions. It can create a tingling feeling or even pain.Who gets Pinched Nerve?
Anyone can get a pinched nerve, but some people may be more at risk than others. Pregnancy can cause a pinched nerve, as well as an injury or people whose jobs involve repetitive motion.How is Pinched Nerve diagnosed?
After taking the patient's history, a physician may perform a physical examination, an EMG, an X-ray, or a magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI).How is Pinched Nerve treated?
There are several ways to treat a pinched nerve. Rest, physical therapy, and splints can all be helpful. However, surgery is sometimes required. Corticosteroids can be used to help treat the pain associated with a pinched nerve.
More Information
American Chronic Pain Association
Health Central - Back Pain (Spine University)
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