Science News: Musician’s Dystonia in a Percussionist - Clinical Video Analysis and Botulinum Toxin Intervention: A Case Report
Published January 17, 2025
Science News
Submitted by: Rebecca O’Bryan, MD
Edited by: Nandita Keole, MD
Citation: Farinha Caroço MT, Zão A, Ribeiro J, Fialho A, Milet V, Meira B. Musician's dystonia in a percussionist - clinical video analysis and botulinum toxin intervention: a case report. J Rehabil Med. 2024;56:jrm34877. Published 2024 Mar 14. doi:10.2340/jrm.v56.34877
Summary: This is a case of a 63 year old male percussionist with musician’s focal hand dystonia treated with botulinum toxin. This case involved abnormal flexion of the 3rd finger followed by flexion of a 4th and 5th fingers while playing the congas. Ten units of botulinum toxin were injected at the FDS at the 4th digit using EMG and US guidance. Four weeks later, the patient reported 60% improvement in performance (subjective).
Comments: This is an interesting case study looking at botulinum toxin in a patient with musician’s focal hand dystonia. Musician’s dystonia can be a devastating condition in our musician patients. Botulinum toxin is a reasonable option for patients with this condition.