What is Polyneuropathy?

Neuropathy is a general term that refers to a wide variety of problems that can affect the nerves. Common symptoms include numbness, tingling, and weakness, depending on which nerves are affected. If the problem is at one specific location along one nerve, it is called a mononeuropathy. In other cases, many nerves are affected throughout the body. When many nerves are affected, this is referred to as polyneuropathy. “Peripheral neuropathy” is a phrase that refers to problems within the nerves that are located in the peripheral nervous system (the part of the human nervous system outside of the brain and spine, such as the nerves located throughout the arms and legs). Consulting a physician who specializes in performing special tests that examine the patient’s muscles and nerves will help to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

More Information

Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy
National Organization for Rare Disorders

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