MOCP Changes FAQs
Diplomates have increasingly indicated that they would like maintenance of certification to focus on learning and maintenance of skills versus passing high-stakes exams. This new model allows for immediate feedback, flexibility to complete it on your own schedule, and doesn’t require a proctor or travel to a testing center. This model of continuous certification is similar to what your primary board is piloting or already implementing.
What did Continuous Certification replace?
The ABEM Continuous Certification Program replaced the previous 10-year MOCP Exam.
Is there a time limit on each question or group of questions?
No. There is not a timer on the questions. Take as much time to answer as you need. You will be given until December 31 each year to complete the questions.
What happens if I don’t answer the yearly questions?
ABEM is honoring the terms of all current 10-year certificates, so even if you do not participate in Continuous Certification, you will retain your board-certified status until your current certificate expiration date. However, if you don’t participate in yearly CoreComp questions, you will not fulfill the requirements for continuous certification, resulting in a loss of certification when your 10-year certificate expires. In addition, non-participation in CoreComp will result in a Continuous Certification status of Certified, Not Meeting Continuous Certification Requirements displayed on the ABEM website. To transition those physicians who recently took the certification examination, participation in the yearly CoreComp program has been waived as a requirement of continuous certification for between 1-5 years depending when your 10-year certificate expires. Review the My Continuous Certification page to determine your current status.
After 2020, 10-year certificates are no longer be issued. Everyone will be required to participate in the yearly CoreComp program and answer the 20 questions per year. Those who do not participate or do not meet the threshold for passing for 2 consecutive years must take the initial ABEM exam to be reinstated in the program. If you do not participate for 2 consecutive years, you are required to begin participating within 3 months in the 3rd year or you will no longer be certified. A physician can only not participate for up to 2 years once in each 10-year CME cycle.
Will my certificate change?
Certificates will display the initial date a diplomate was certified, but will not have an expiration date. Certificates will state that certification is contingent upon participating in the program.
Certification will never expire as long as the MOCP Continuous Certification requirements are met. The ABEM website will be used for verification of status.
Will the MOCP Exam still be available as an option?
MOCP Exam was last administered in November 2020. The exam will only be available to those who expire in 2020. Those who expire in 2021 were automatically enrolled in the new process.
Why is the annual fee changing?
The annual fees cover the cost of operating and maintaining the MOCP program. There will no longer be a large exam fee at the end of your cycle and instead there are smaller payments each year. For many diplomates, this new fee model will be
less than they were paying previously.
If I am in my "Waived" period for CoreComp, do I still pay the annual fees?
Yes, the fees are still required to be paid on a yearly basis. The fee will be paid within
the CoreComp program, but the questions won't be required for the waived years.
Will CME be offered for completing the CoreComp questions?
Yes. You may claim CME upon completing the CoreComp questions each year. The
number of CME will be determined at the beginning of each year.
I am a Grandfathered diplomate. Do I need to participate in the CoreComp?
No. You can complete the CoreComp components, but the results
will not impact your certification status.
My ABEM certification is currently lapsed. Can I get my certification reinstated to participate in CoreComp?
Yes. All prior CME requirements and annual fees must be up to
date prior to enrolling in CoreComp. A one-time $250 reinstatement fee is also required.
I still have more questions. Who can I contact?
We understand that you may have more questions. We request that you contact
us by email at From there, we can reply by phone or email. Please include a call back number if you would like a call back.